Understanding When Spousal Support Payments Can Stop

Feature Article: Understanding When You Can Stop Paying Spousal Support


Divorce can be a complex and emotional process, and sorting out financial arrangements is often one of the most challenging aspects. Among the most significant financial issues that need to be resolved during divorce proceedings is spousal support, also known as alimony. Spousal support is meant to provide economic support to the lesser-earning spouse for a period of time after the divorce. However, many people wonder when they can stop paying spousal support. In this feature article, we will explore the factors that determine when you can stop paying alimony.

Factors That Impact When Spousal Support Can End

Spousal support is not a permanent obligation, and its duration and amount are determined on a case-by-case basis. The following are the top seven factors that are taken into consideration when determining when spousal support can end:

Length of the marriage

The length of the marriage is a crucial factor in determining how long spousal support should last. In general, the longer the marriage, the longer spousal support will be required. Additionally, if the marriage lasted for over ten years, the court will assume that spousal support is necessary indefinitely.

Income disparity

When deciding how much spousal support to award, the court considers each spouse's income and earning potential. If the income disparity between spouses is significant, the higher-earning spouse may be required to pay spousal support for a more extended period.

Standard of living

The court will also consider the standard of living established during the marriage. If one spouse will be unable to maintain a similar lifestyle after the divorce due to a lack of income, the court may award spousal support.

Assets and debts

The distribution of assets and debts in a divorce can also affect how much spousal support is awarded and for how long it should continue. If one spouse receives significant assets, a smaller amount of spousal support may be awarded.


The health of each spouse will also be considered. If one spouse suffers from a mental or physical impairment that affects their ability to work, spousal support may continue until they can become self-supporting.

Remarriage or Cohabitation

If the spouse receiving spousal support remarries or begins living with someone, spousal support may be terminated. The court will consider the new partner's income when determining whether support is still necessary.

Court Order

The terms outlined on the support order are crucial in determining when you can stop paying spousal support. If the court order indicates that spousal support will end after a specific amount of time or occurrence of specific circumstances, you can stop paying alimony according to those terms.


Spousal support can be a complicated and contentious issue during divorce, and understanding when you can stop paying it is essential. The court considers various factors when deciding when and if to terminate spousal support, and it is crucial to work with an experienced attorney to ensure that all factors are taken into account. If you are considering divorce or have questions about spousal support, contact De Novo Law Firm. Our experienced attorneys will guide you through each step of the divorce process and help protect your financial and legal interests. When Can I Stop Paying Spousal Support?-Spousal,Alimony

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